Frequently Asked Questions
To help answer some commonly asked questions, we have put together this FAQ page. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you want additional information on a topic or have questions.

What makes SCDS a great school?
Scottsdale Country Day School is a KG-8 grade charter school focused on academic rigor and a well rounded education. SCDS students are confident, independent critical thinkers. Confidence and respect for the educational discipline, as well as for one another, is realized through nurturing and highly qualified faculty. With 22 students maximum in a class, SCDS students do not get lost in the crowd, they are part of a class with individual and mutual accountability, part of a school that strives for excellence, and a community that is a family.
What else is integrated into the SCDS program?
SCDS students meeting their academic goals have an opportunity to participate in all of the following programs. Though etiquette is not a formal class, social manners and respect are part of the daily program in the classroom.
When is enrollment?
Click here for the admissions page
Is it too late to enroll my child for this school year?

Please check with the office for available spaces. We believe that it is never too early to start your child on a great education and help them expand the boundaries of their individual potential.
What is SCDS’s homework policy?
There is no homework if a student is meeting or exceeding academic goals, and is successfully completing classwork and study hall assignments. Students have a designated study hall period during the school day. A student identified as not meeting goals will be placed on an academic plan and will have homework assigned.
What is SCDS’s uniform policy?
Scottsdale Country Day School’s uniform policy is intended to project a positive image and learning environment for our students. All students are required to wear the Scottsdale Country Day School uniform, unless there is a designated non-uniform day. Shirts, sweaters, and dresses are embroidered with the school logo. Uniforms, including tops, shorts, skirts, and dresses, are purchased directly through the school and are available onsite.
What assessment tools are used to differentiate for my child?
As well as classroom formative and summative assessments, each student takes a benchmark assessment and ongoing tests using Galileo technologies.
Built on the principles of science and supported by research, Galileo technology offers rapid access to data driven assessment to support differential instruction, future result predictors, and real time reporting for teachers and parents. Teachers can develop instructional goals, evaluate, and forecast standards mastery. Using statistical data, a rigorous program of study is mapped for each student.
How is technology used at SCDS?
At SCDS technology is valued as a tool to expand the boundaries of academic learning. Each class is fitted with a state of the art Sharp AQUOS BOARD®. The interactive display systems are much more than your typical interactive white boards. SCDS utilizes technology by providing each student in grades KG-1 grade access to iPads for study hall time and to further develop skills taught in class. Grades 2-8 have individual chromebooks to utilize for writing assignments, enhance typing skills, and during study hall.
Technology at SCDS is a tool to support and enhance the existing classroom curriculum and core academic program. iPad and Smart Board technology at SCDS immerse students with educational apps in math, digital reading, reading comprehension, and science. Teachers and students use different media to create, research, collaborate, and increase the pace of learning.

What are the school hours?
Monday through Friday, school is in session from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. On the last Friday of each month, there is an early dismissal at 12:30pm in order to schedule teacher professional development.
Is before and aftercare available?
Aftercare is available until 5:30 p.m. daily, including half days. Your child will automatically be signed into aftercare if he or she is not picked up at dismissal. Morning car is available from 7:30 a.m. Click here for rates and policies.
What extracurricular programs are available after school?
SCDS offer programs in art, soccer, music, chess, Spanish, and tutoring. Click here for details.
Is a lunch program available?
Snacks and lunch must be sent in with the student from home. SCDS does have outside vendors delivering food Monday through Thursday. Parents may pre-order online at the SCDS Store.
Parent Visitor and Observation Requests
In accordance with Arizona law H.B. 2025, parents of enrolled or parents wishing to enroll their student may request to visit, tour, or observe SCDS classrooms. Please click here for more information.